MadameRosa - Holistic Healing and Crystal Healing
MadameRosa - Holistic Healing, Crystal Healing, Reiki in Washington. "Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts." -Paramahansa Yogananda ~The "Order of the Magi, The Atlantean Oracle: Past, Present, Future. Bring birthdates of all parties. Clarity & Guidance. Love, Soul Connections, Twin Flames, Family, Friends, Travel, Moves, Career, Timelines. Prayer & Decrees. Self-Realization & Peace I love to help people with knowledge. I am in Love with Love, Honesty, Truth, Goodness, Kindness, Intelligence, Purity, Art, Friends, Travel, Unity, Oneness, Awakenings, Adventure, People, Life, Food, and Jade, My Soulmate Cat. I like helping people with Negativity. Blanket Judgement. Haughtiness. Dishonesty. Fakeness. Selfishness. Practice for 17 years.
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